
Working Papers

“Economic subversion in civil wars: Evidence from the Colombian armed conflict” with Juan Tellez and Howard Liu. Invited to Revise and Resubmit and currently under review.

“Interstate Competition and Transnational Threats: How Networks of Nonstate Actors Increase Conflict between States” with Brandon Kinne, Juan Tellez, Iliyan Iliev, Brandon Derr, Shreya Murthy, and Patrick Bernhard. Under review.

“Defining Martial Law: Introducing the EmPower Dataset” Under review.

“Mass Reproducibility and Replicability: A New Hope.” with Abel Brodeur, Derek Mikola, and Nikolai Cook. Meta-Paper including 110 other replications. Under review.

“Crisis Authority: Executive Constraints and Irregular Leader Transitions in Emergency Powers Usage” (Job Market Paper.)

“Consequences of Martial Law: Rebel Behavior and Terrorism”

“Fight or Flight: Border Control During Civil Conflict”

“Introducing the Transnational Security Cooperation Agreement Dataset (TSCAD)” with Brandon Kinne.

“Gender and Migrants’ Naturalization Decisions: Intents to Return” with Jeannette Money.

“The Intersection Between American Conspiracy Theories and Terrorism” with Andrew Roskos-Ewoldsen.